LCVs (LCV – Light Commercial Vehicles) have to be fast and agile, transport heavy loads and operate flawlessly even at high milage and under the toughest conditions. There are parcel and courier delivery services, tradesmen and retailers, whose vehicles can make up to 120 stops per day. Exceeding 100,000 kilometers and more per year is not unusual. High-levels of wear and tear and the repair efforts resulting from this are inevitable, and as a rule of thumb appear much earlier than with a passenger car.

Downtimes are expensive. That’s why a LCV needs to run as long as possible, its downtimes minimized and when damage does occur, the repair has to be fast. Schaeffler offers simple, easy-to-install repair solutions – in OE quality. With the goal of maximizing mileage and minimizing repair time.

See the range of light commercial vehicles products in this catalogue >>  Light Commercial Vehicles products.